Good Room - Nightclub - Brooklyn, NY - Hero Main
Good Room - Nightclub - Brooklyn, NY - Hero Gallery 1
Good Room - Nightclub - Brooklyn, NY - Hero Gallery 2
Good Room - Nightclub - Brooklyn, NY - Hero Gallery 3
Good Room - Nightclub - Brooklyn, NY - Hero Gallery 4

Good Room Nightclub in Brooklyn, NY

  • Packages Starting at $1,000
  • Between 100 and 700 Guests
  • 5,000 SQ Feet
  • Member Since 2020

About Venue 

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Good Room is an event space that offers a club vibe located in Brooklyn, NY. Once home to the European-style discotheque Club Europa, this establishment now hosts dynamic music acts and dance parties. This venue is a prime choice for music enthusiasts or those that desire a nightclub aesthetic. The Space Good Room seeks to strike the balance between a traditional Greenpoint bar and a nightclub scene. It offers ample space for events of up to 700 attendees, providing a sound booth, dedicated DJ booth, and expansive stage setting. The large bar area is situated near to the main room and is located in the center of the room. This gives guests access on all sides to order drinks and socialize. Plentiful seating options are dotted around the perimeter of the venue, which allows guests to mix and mingle. The Bad Room provides a smaller area where people can relax away from the main event. The Experience This venue hosts many of the main names in dance music regularly and is equipped to produce stellar sound and immersive light displays. These amenities can be utilized for all events held here, adding to the overall experience. This establishment offers a modern, edgy aesthetic that lends itself to music events, art exhibitions, brand launches, and much more.

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Good Room

Nightclub in Brooklyn, NY

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