Find the perfect live band

Why book a live band?

There's nothing like a live band to liven things up - from birthday parties and weddings to bat/bar mitzvahs or corporate functions. We've got every type of band, for every type of event.

Plan, book, celebrate—with confidence

Find Live Bands to bring your event to life.

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Trusted Vendors

With verified reviews and thousands of ratings, it's easy to book the perfect Live Bands for all types of events—no matter how big or small.

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Money-Back Promise

You'll never lose a deposit or balance payment made through The Bash with our 100% money-back guarantee. Online payments are secure through Stripe.

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Top-Rated Service

Our US based team of Account Specialists are here to help every step of the way. Since 1997, we've connected planners with vendors for over half a million events.